Building a family-use pool? It’s a big investment, make sure you know what you need before you break ground!

In the past twenty years, I’ve spent about 87,000 hours in pools, and that’s definitely a conservative estimate. I have a unique vantage point for assessing pool design, construction and safety. I’ve taught lessons in pools of every shape and size, from one of the largest private pools in the US, to pools that are so small I’ve dubbed them ‘pocket pools’.

Since my eye for detail always includes safety and functionality, you might be surprised which pools get my seal of approval for design and aesthetics. . From texture, to coping, to jacuzzi placement, to baja shelves, to water treatment, to safety equipment; I’ve seen it all.

Backyard pools are not just an investment in the equity in your home, they’re often the saving grace for parents with children of all ages. My kids spend hours in our pool; playing and burning up a seemingly endless supply of kid-energy.

During COVID, pools have become possibly the most popular activity that gets your children out of the house, moving their bodies and happily distracted for hours without having to leave home.


There are so many details involved in building a family-use pool. One thing overlooked can end up being the difference between a pool you love, and a pool that you end up frustrated with because it didn’t turn out the way that you wanted.

If you’re contemplating a pool, either breaking ground on a brand new one or redoing an existing one, give us a call and let us help you iron out those details. Armed with information, you can confidently move forward in working with designers and contractors.